Are You a Money Magnet in February?

By Nataly Porter May 07, 2021
February is here with all its fresh accomplishments, new tasks, achievements, and breakthroughs. Some changes are sure to touch the financial sphere of your life. How will your welfare change this month? Will you attract money or lose it? Click on your sign to get the answer!

Get your money horoscope for February!


March 21 - April 19

For Aries people, finances will remain stable during the month. However, Uranus staying in House 2 of Aries will cause some progressive changes in your resources, which may include your income, heritage, properties, and more. As far as it concerns work, there will be a Full Moon in Leo that will take place on February 9, which will encourage you to start a creative project. It will bring you both financial success and personal satisfaction. The combination of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, and Mars in the 10th House of Aries will add to your desire for professional expansion. Ceres in the 11th House of rams will make Aries natives more interested in group activities. You’ll also interact more with your colleagues and friends which will become a good source of innovation and inspiration at work. 


April 20 - May 20

In February, Taurus people will not face money changes in the financial sphere of their life. However, you’ll have to be more careful about your budget and discuss all the payment plans beforehand. On February 8, Juno will go retrograde in the 6th House of Taurus predicting that a lack of planning can produce a negative impact on your professional performance. The entrance of Mars in the 9th House of Taurus will bring a significant boost to the international and academic endeavors of bulls, including the successful launch of websites and other digital projects. If there are any plans you’ve been nourishing since December 2019, February will become a perfect month to implement them. Both personal growth initiatives and plans for professional expansion will come true during the month. Don’t forget, though, that Mercury will start going retrograde to the 11th House of Taurus bringing some quarrels and disagreements to your work environment. 


May 21 - June 20

Mars will meet Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in the 7th House of Gemini indicating that you need to set in motion plans concerning your family heritage. Don’t forget that Mercury will go retrograde starting from February 16 so you’d better not leave your common working place. Besides, in February you should develop 2 activities at once – your work and your independent activities. As for your business, in February you will neither nor lose big money. However, make sure you don’t take risks and are even more patient than usual when it comes to the financial aspect of your business matters. Don’t start new ventures as they will hardly bring much profit soon. Instead, follow the beaten path as you know it works best for you now.


June 21 - July 22

During the month, your income will be stable although neither good nor bad. Don’t be too worried as nothing really bad is going to happen. Just make sure you’ve saved enough for a rainy day not to suffer any financial troubles. Some small losses are possible but no catastrophe is expected anyway soon. On the other hand, you can become too sensitive to possible losses which can have rather negative consequences for your future work. Try not to take them to heart – these things are just small drops in the financial ocean of your life! In the months that follow, there will many opportunities to earn more and have more.


July 23 - August 22

In February, Leo people will have to be more cautious than in any other month of the year. Your expenses may increase causing some unexpected inconveniences. It can become a better decision to take a step back and not start any significant projects or investments. It would be great if a Leo person had a life partner or a family member who could support him or her during harsh financial periods. Sharing finances in February is a good decision for both parties. Don’t be afraid or ashamed of leaning on your close ones in times of need, especially if it concerns risky periods. You’ll soon get back on your feet and will be able to support them instead. The period from February 16 can become rather challenging for Leo guys as Mercury retrograding will lead to certain misunderstandings. Mercury retrograde can also bring your old love to your life again but only to help you understand your path and your evolution.


August 23 - September 22

February will bring you gradual improvements in the financial sphere, dear Virgo. However, no big windfalls are expected so you’d better focus on paying off the debts and loans you may have. Although these money issues may neutralize other gains of the month, you’d better just stay patient and wait for the end of the month when the financial situation will surely improve. Luckily for you, you’ll have everything to make the month as profitable as you want it to be. Starting from February 8, Juno will go retrograde in the 2nd House of Virgo encouraging you to keep a detailed record of all your credits, payments, and debts. On the other hand, businesses maintained with 3rd parties (like your life partner or your family members) will attract more customers during the month than usual. 


September 23 - October 23

When it comes to earning and spending, dear Libra, in February you’ll have to move more cautiously than ever before. Unfortunately, there won’t be many opportunities to attract extra income; besides, you’ll want to spend more than you can afford on your life ventures. It’s not a big problem, though, but please make sure you’re careful about your money and the way you distribute it. In any case, it’s always a good idea to save for a rainy day. Make sure you know how to deal with your money so that you always have something left in your pocket. All in all, your financial situation will remain stable during the month. As Mercury will go retrograde in the 6th House of your Sign, you’d better organize all your job matters in advance. 


October 24 - November 22

Talking about money in February, Scorpio people are one of the luckiest zodiac representatives. Even more fortune is expected in the spheres related to creative, religious, and sociological investments. You will be able to nosedive into a pool just like a famous Disney duck; besides, you’ll probably find an additional source of income in the second half of the month. The only money matter you may get worried about is all about family-related issues. Housekeeping or education can require rather big sums so be ready for extra pressure on your finances. Additionally, stay away from investing big sums of money into high-risk businesses that promise big and quick profits. Before taking a serious step, analyze all risks and responsibilities. Venus staying in the 6th House of Scorpio encourages you to express your talents and skills at work so that everybody sees and appreciates all the smallest achievements you get.


November 23 - December 21

Your finances are going to look rather unpredictable in February. Despite the fact you feel rather optimistic about your welfare, it’s possible you won’t have enough time to focus on important money matters. Gains from the government are possible but won’t bring much money. However, you can still afford a small holiday if you manage your budget wisely enough. Just make sure you don’t spend too much in the process. If you realize the value of your financial resources, you can reach the desired stability and work on preserving it. Try to make sure your close ones stay by your side and help you maintain the balance.


December 22 - January 19

Although estimating the financial inflow you can expect in February, dear Capricorn, is a pretty hard task, you can be sure that your fortune will shine bright. Your income will stay more or less stable; on the other hand, you can soon expect to get other sources of income that will add to your welfare. However, be more cautious about participating in investments. Avoid unreasonable risks and always check if the gains are more significant than possible losses. At work, you can expect recognition and minor success. You will get a chance to express your creative skills and bright potential. Besides, the asteroid Juno will go retrograde in the 10th House of Capricorn raising some serious questions concerning your work commitments. Mercury that will go retrograde in the 3rd House of the sign will place the Caps in the least favorable position. Use the time to review your important documents and create backups if necessary.


January 20 - February 19

After some uncertainties that took place in January, your financial situation will significantly improve in February. However, this doesn’t mean you can relax and do nothing as investing and starting risky business ventures are not good options for the month anyway. Some gains during the month are highly possible but you’ll have to learn to manage them wisely and not to throw out what you’ve recently gained. In February, partnerships are not only possible but favorable. Meeting new people will help you prosper in the future. Just make sure these new people are the right people, too. Be more attentive in money management starting from February 16 as Mercury will go retrograde in the 2nd House of Aquarius starting from that date. It will help you avoid big errors in transactions. Don’t get distracted when making electronic payments. 


February 20 - March 20

In February, the money will flow slowly yet steadily. If you manage to see the right opportunities, you have a good chance to improve your fortune. Benefactors will be more subject than ever to supporting you during the month. February is also a favorable month for those who have more than one person earning money in the family. The combined income will become a good foundation if you decide to try a new venture. People of the opposite sex can become those who support you the most. After February 7, Venus will remain in the 2nd House of Pisces which means you’ll make some transactions connected to personal property and art objects. In the second half of the month, however, Mercury will go retrograde in Pisces so try to avoid big purchases.