Easter Egg Designs for Every Sign

By Nataly Porter Nov 25, 2019
It doesn’t matter if you celebrate Easter – egg decoration is a great way to destress and have fun. You can do this alone, with kids and family, or with your friends – anyway, you’ll surely have a great time and boost your skills of painting the fragile eggshells. By the way, could you ever imagine that each zodiac sign has its own preferences in egg decoration? It’s time to have a look at yours!


Decorate your eggs using calligraphy. Such strong-willed and energetic people as Aries love to make almost every idea that comes to their mind come true. They’re extremely stubborn in most cases and if they’re committed to anything no one can convince them it’s not always worth the effort. When you think of a peculiar Easter Egg decoration, try to write something on the eggs – even if the result is a bit messy, you’ll surprise your family and will be able to express your emotions with the help of art freely.


No painting is needed! Taureans never forget that eggs are not for decorations but for eating. Taurus person is patient enough to sit still looking at others painting their eggs. You like it how your Easter eggs look and feel in their natural way and don’t need any additional factors that could probably make them more attractive. Even if an idea of decoration strikes your mind, you wouldn’t like to mess up art and culinary moments and would rather eat what you see, not what you beautify.


Gemini love to kill two birds with one stone, that’s why they want to decorate their Easter eggs in the easiest and at the same time the most attractive way. A splatter-painted design is the best idea we can suggest in this case – extremely easy to create and so pleasant to look at! This choice is simple yet resourceful and perfect for Gemini who wouldn’t like to spend hours creating something too complicated. Just make sure you won’t forget to apply the basic color on the whole egg first!


Stripes are probably one of the easiest, most commonly used, and most elegant-looking designs one can ever imagine. Cancers can apply it to the Easter egg decoration and be extremely proud of the result. Moreover, such an easy pattern will give those born under the sign a chance to help others make their most ambitious egg-decorating dreams come true! They will be happy and surprised to see how this uniting activity can make close people even closer.


The kings can’t live without glitter just as Leos can’t live without covering their Easter eggs with glitter, too! All about drama, these guys just can’t afford being like others and painting the eggs in a common way. It may come to your mind that making the eggs roll in glitter can be a bit wasteful but you can hardly do anything about it! You want to outdo the competitors and make your eggs shine like a star! Use any color, from golden to pure white, and be sure they’ll produce an equal impression.


Practical Virgos stay practical in every situation. They would hardly be eager to face all the tortures of inventing special, not-like-others-do-it Easter egg designs. However, it should be remembered that one-color eggs can look even more impressive and attractive than their multicolored mates. The biggest challenge for a Virgo person, in this case, is to choose a really beautiful shade and make sure the color doesn’t remind any other egg painting color they’ve seen before.


Libras are very indecisive people who often find it too hard to choose between several things they equally like. In the case with Easter eggs, color-blocking is one of the best options that can be suggested. You can even work with the shades of the same color if you feel like it just arranging them in the right way on the eggshell. The dividers between the colors can be different, too, from plain lines to braids or dotted lines. Experiment with your Easter designs to see what works best for you!


Scorpios are not about simple decisions! They love to go into detail, that’s why picking something like a cartoon face for egg decoration can be a good idea for those belonging to the sign. There is a chance that you’ll become overly obsessed with the process and will decorate an entire basket of eggs instead of half a dozen of them. On the other hand, it would be too hard to find equally challenging ideas for you anyway! Start with Mickey Mouse or another Disney character you like.


Fearless Sagittarians prefer adventurous activities to passive time spending which can’t but be reflected in the way they prefer to paint eggs for the holiday. The marbling technique is probably one of the best ideas we can think of in this case – although water-based, it’s comparatively easy to make and looks absolutely astonishing! Vary the colors and combine them in different ways to try something new every time and encourage your family members to do the same.


Tie-dye is the best egg-coloring technique we can suggest for Capricorns. These guys love the feeling of delayed gratification that’s why they’re ready to wait patiently and even with deep-seated pleasure. When you’re waiting for the first layer to dry, you can occupy your mind planning the results and thinking of what your Easter eggs will look like in the end. Despite the fact others can get a bit angry because of your being a little bit snobby, you enjoy the process immensely.


Imaginative Aquarians quickly and easily get tired of one and the same old paintings used for Easter decorations. Although known as rather eccentric people, they use this quality to invent something new and uncommon, just like in the case with holiday eggs. To create your perfect egg, prepare your own cutouts, make an adhesive, add a bit of your imagination, and get ready to enjoy the result! The patterns can vary from butterflies and princes to your fave movie characters.


The most imaginative of all zodiac signs, Pisces just can’t but add something truly peculiar to anything they create and the Easter egg design is not an exception. Ombre is probably the brightest and the most exquisite method we can suggest for those born under the sign. On one hand, it demonstrates the beauty and challenges of life we face daily; on the other hand, it becomes a true challenge in itself. Choosing the colors and shades of color for the décor, contemplating the type of blending and all the other details of painting – what can be more absorbing before Easter?