Horoscope for Women!

By Nataly Porter May 28, 2021
Have you ever thought of the fact that women of the zodiac think and behave in a way different from men of the zodiac? They treat love and sex matters differently, have a different view of money issues, and have dozens of others small features that stand firmly between them and men. What have the stars prepared for the members of the gentle sex? Let’s find out now!

Women's horoscope for your sign!


March 21 - April 19

You might not be certain what others expect of you today and assumptions are your enemy. Unless you're provided with solid information about what others want or need from you, it can be difficult to choose your next move while the indecisive Libra Full Moon influences relationships, commitments, and companions. You may need to trust your intuition to determine how to placate at least one person in your world, but nothing can beat asking direct questions to those you sense need assistance or support now.

There can be no harm in looking backward at love life lessons learned in the past as these can help you make sense of present circumstances. Fortunately, today's Full Moon influencing partnerships and commitments heralds a new romantic or relationship chapter where your connection with others or one person is concerned. Use this opportunity to accept that forging a new love connection or embarking upon a new era with an existing relationship requires you to adopt an 'out with the old and in with the new approach to affairs of the heart.


April 20 - May 20

What might suit you or enhance any feeling of security, comfort, or stability in your world could differ considerably from what others want and need. Although you're not obliged to make everyone's world a better place, you want to at least show your appreciation. However, this can be done in many better ways than going overboard with outlandish gifts. Today's Full Moon influences your service to others, and it may only require a donation of your time and effort to truly transform someone's world.

As romantic fantasies start to become clearer, some could begin to take form or structure and become something more tangible. The Full Moon encourages you to take inspired action to turn your reverie into reality because what your heart yearns for can no longer remain as a wish. You have the passion to draw upon to add the necessary heat to fuel a desire to pursue your most cherished romantic or relationship dreams. This is no time to apply it sparingly.


May 21 - June 20

You might need to make more of an effort to trust your instincts if they tell you that a point you conveyed has been understood by the listener today. The Full Moon enhances self-expression and your ability to convey yourself clearly and positively. However, even if you sense in the tiniest way that it's necessary to reiterate or drill home a certain point, it could be easy to go over the top. Don't underestimate - or abuse - your power of persuasion at this time.

This could be a time when any insecurities that influence your attitude toward love and relationships can be faced and turned to your advantage. With the right mindset, you can enter a new and exciting territory with a special person. Your romantic circumstances might be changing in ways that don't quite fit certain plans, but your resilient heart can adapt to these if you embrace them honestly.


June 21 - July 22

Keeping your excitement in check can help you avoid creating a situation where you disappoint others. Today's Full Moon influences domesticity, possibly triggering a home or family-related issue. Your time and attention might be in demand by a family member and showing resistance could make you appear unfairly unreasonable. However, there are benefits to showing restraint before wading straight in with what you believe to be a solution.

You could have so many dreamy visions connected with your love life or one special connection. However, as wonderful as it would be to make them real, be realistic about what your heart needs and can cope with. You might also see the passionate potential that a love interest cannot – or refuses – to see and it's important that you don't allow their lack of enthusiasm to dampen yours. For now, trust that current romantic or relationship circumstances altering in their own way and time will do so in a way you'll feel more relieved about soon.


July 23 - August 22

It can be easy for certain situations to appear exaggerated or overblown at this time, and the more effort you invest in maintaining balance in conversations, the easier it will be to see whatever is unfolding in the right perspective. Today's Full Moon highlights communication and brings heightened levels of emotion to discussions or exchanges. With very little effort, you could be the voice of reason.

As you consider your romantic world now, you could find that certain memories make you feel extra-sentimental about your past. You might yearn for someone or something you believe you lost or feel you didn't seize an opportunity to enjoy a romance when you had a chance. However, you have a clearer idea about how your heart should respond to opportunities when they arise, and today's Full Moon could remind you of the need to speak up and not suppress thoughts or feelings now or in the future.


August 23 - September 22

You could feel more committed to your values as the balanced Libran Full Moon influences your self-esteem. This could be what's needed to motivate you to re-evaluate the direction your life is heading and make one or two corrections if necessary. Although a decision might be required from you, there can be far more benefits to adopting a relaxed attitude and reviewing all the possibilities ahead of you before selecting one. The more thought you apply to what you want - and know you don't want - the easier it will be to pursue and achieve what inspires you.

You could be aware of patterns or certain consistencies that exist in your love life, whether these involve falling for the same type of partner or circumstances that seem to arise constantly. Today's Full Moon urges you to look inward at your values and what you want from a love connection. This could be a way of updating your needs and exploring new romantic or relationship territory if necessary, too.


September 23 - October 23

There is nothing contrived or superficial about your desire to make others happy and to create amicable relationships with everyone in your world. These admirable traits could be enhanced noticeably with the Full Moon occupying your sign at this time. This could boost your natural diplomacy and encourage you to be a peacemaker where such a role is needed. However, there are limits to what even you can do to keep everyone satisfied. It can be easy to overlook or ignore your needs by doing so, and putting your personal priorities first isn't selfish, it's fair. So, do what's only fair.

Today's Full Moon in your sign could bring a revelation regarding what you feel is missing in your love life. You might need to accept that certain needs are changing in the light of changing circumstances, too. You could find that you're investing too much effort to address someone else's needs at the expense of your own. Once you make a conscious effort to respond to what your heart deems most important, you'll be able to positive action confidently.


October 24 - November 22

There is nothing contrived or superficial about your desire to make others happy and to create amicable relationships with everyone in your world. These admirable traits could be enhanced noticeably with the Full Moon occupying your sign at this time. This could boost your natural diplomacy and encourage you to be a peacemaker where such a role is needed. However, there are limits to what even you can do to keep everyone satisfied. It can be easy to overlook or ignore your needs by doing so, and putting your personal priorities first isn't selfish, it's fair. So, do what's only fair.

Today's Full Moon in your sign could bring a revelation regarding what you feel is missing in your love life. You might need to accept that certain needs are changing in the light of changing circumstances, too. You could find that you're investing too much effort to address someone else's needs at the expense of your own. Once you make a conscious effort to respond to what your heart deems most important, you'll be able to positive action confidently.


November 23 - December 21

The cosmos has granted you time recently to look inward and be honest about the steps you need to take to achieve success in a particular area. Today's Full Moon spotlights your long-term goals and heightens your emotional response to finding a balance between what inspires you and what doesn't. It could become clear that the time has come to limit your commitments so they don't continue to be a growing – or unbearable - burden.

If stress connected with your work overspills into your love life, then finding a way to draw a clear and distinct line between the two areas makes both more manageable. Your professional needs are one thing; your emotional needs are altogether different and there can be many benefits to keeping them separated now. Today's Full Moon urges you to find that essential balance.


December 22 - January 19

Rarely, do you need to be reminded about the truth in the statement regarding not getting second chances to make first impressions. However, professional progress relies on you conveying and projecting yourself confidently and authoritatively now. Today's Full Moon influences your career and public image, encouraging you to not only 'sound' the part but to 'look' the part as well. Paying close attention to both will help you put your best foot forward. When you do that, rarely do you not impress or deliver!

You and a loved one could have different ideas about what's important in your connection at this time and might wonder if the two of you speak the same language. Your different understanding of a certain matter or situation requires you to focus on what you both agree on. Finding common ground is essential before you move on to 'that' bigger issue. If it's the object of your affections who brings a more serious vibe to discussions, then don't see that as a reason to be defensive.


January 20 - February 19

You might feel dissatisfied with your current lot in life, and eager to seize every intriguing opportunity that arises. The Full Moon influences big ideas and far-reaching plans. However, happiness doesn't rely on exceeding your wildest dreams. With an open mind, you could see what's possible in what seemed impossible or uninspiring not long ago. You're not downsizing any dreams, you're setting realistic expectations regarding what's achievable in the near future and what needs to be shelved briefly. Summoning faith in yourself might be half the battle.

Applying restraint to a love life matter wouldn't go amiss at this time, especially if long-term plans between you and your paramour appear to be in a state of flux. With a Full Moon influencing big ideas and mind-broadening opportunities, you could experience tension. However, this could be the catalyst to having an overdue discussion or restoring balance where it's needed. New levels of peace and harmony are on offer if you can keep cool, calm, and collected.


February 20 - March 20

The personal and professional rewards of forming or strengthening alliances are well worth the effort to do so. The Full Moon illuminates your shared resources, creating opportunities to explore new sources of support – both financial and emotional. You're able to state your case because you can see a clear path to major accomplishments. If teamwork makes your dream work, then it would wise to collaborate. There is always strength in union.

You could believe you've made a mistake or an error of judgment where affairs of the heart are concerned. However, there are limits to how influential a loved one has been regarding whatever you feel you've done wrong and blame can't be pointed entirely in their direction. A lesson awaits regarding whatever is unfolding in your current love life circumstances and it's important you accept what's occurring now and are honest with yourself about what you know your next move must be.