March Love Horoscope

By Nataly Porter Mar 04, 2024
March is a month rich in love adventures! Romantic fantasies, many opportunities to become kinder and more compassionate to those you love, unconditional love, a chance to reach perfect harmony… How will the relationship between you and your soulmate change this month? Click on your sign to learn all the details!

Check all romantic twists and turns of March! 


March will start with Venus, the well-known planet of love, leaving. However, even when leaving, Venus will manage to give you many love chances. Together with a new solar year, it will make your love life stronger and brighter, updating your relationship desires. With no planetary activity in the love sector of your horoscope, it’s Full Moon that will keep the passion burning and will help you benefit from all the love challenges you’ll face. The Full Moon will stay high up in the sky from March 6th, just 24 hours after Venus leaves, preserving the romantic spirit. In your birthday month, dear Aries, the Moon will come a full circle again, encouraging you to update your love expectations. Juno, an asteroid that will remain in your relationship sector, will go retrograde, helping you stay as grounded as it’s possible.

So, is your partner the right person for you? Will you respect each other? This reading gives you the insight to help you understand if your relationship is moving in the right direction.


With no active planets in both your relationship and love sectors, March will still be a rather romantic month for Taurus natives. The first days of March will be the last days of Venus, the planet of love, staying in the nostalgic part of your chart. However, on March 5th, Venus will enter your sign, shifting the focus from the past to the new beginnings. The mere fact that the planet or romance will remain in Taurus will make the coming weeks one of the most romantically charged periods of the year. The Full Moon will decorate the skies from March 8th till March 10th making these days even more romantic than the previous period. With Venus in your sign and the Moon visiting your relationship sector from March 12th till March 15th, your romantic wishes and expectations will undergo big changes.

Learn even more about your love life through the Tarot... Discover the cards' meanings here!


For the first time since October 2018, Gemini will enter a month with no planetary activity in the relationship sector. Besides, no planets will enter this sector later during the year. Mars has just left your sign after remaining here for almost seven weeks; it has made you realize what you really want from life and your relationships. The Moon will complete its circle in the period from March 14 to March 16, giving you a fresh chance to review the responses and experiences you got before. The Moon remaining in your communication sector from March 6th till March 8th will make communication with those important to you more efficient.

How does your relationship actually work? Is it healthy? Try this reading to find out. 


The year started with six planets in your relationship sector. Now, three planets have already left, but Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto – the planets of luck, strength, and change – have remained. What is very special about these planets and your sign is that they have gathered together in your relationship sector for the first time in your lifetime, making 2024 very special. All these planets are playing a long game, and it takes you long to realize what you want from your love relationship. Mars, the planet of changes, has just returned and brought a sense of impatience and urgency to your life. Saturn will leave on March 22nd, making things easier for you.


Leo people will be more energetic and sensual in March than ever. Closer to the middle of the month, your life will become more affectionate. If you’re married, brighter emotions will fill your married life. However, your spouse will probably ask for more freedom, and you’ll have to be more attentive to his or her request. Thanks to Venus, singles will be full of passion; if they add persistence, they will find love at work. Meaningful connections between you and a representative of your zodiac sign are possible in March, too. The Moon, together with Mars, will make the period between March 14th and March 16th extremely charged with romance. Ceres in your sign will update your relationship needs and priority – you’re very likely to fall in love with a person you’ve never thought of before.

If you're worried about the future of your relationship, find out what awaits you in the long run here!


You and your spouse or partner will be extremely compatible in March, which will make you both much happier. Your love life will be supported by Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto; however, Venus, which has left your relationship sector, and Mercury in retrograde in the second half of the month will make things a bit harder. If your relationship is strong enough, you’ll probably decide to please your partner and do your best to make him or her love you more. For single people, only their aggression will be a tool powerful enough to start new stable relations. They will have to forget about their work and domestic responsibilities and hurl all effort into forming a consistent yet passionate relationship.

If you need to make a love-related decision, this spread will help! Explore both options and see how events may develop in each of them. 


In March, your relationship with your partner or spouse will be tough yet very sensual, and it’s mainly Venus who is to blame for all the coming changes and challenges. The hardest task for you will be to suppress your wish to dominate and become milder in your love relationship. Single Libra representatives will have to hold back their passions, and Venus retrograde will make possible love connections harder for you to start. It’s possible for you to find your significant other at a family reunion. Just make sure you present yourself as a person who deserves to love and to be loved in return.


Mars and Venus will make your love life more gorgeous than ever, dear Scorpio. Right after March 5th, unbelievable harmony in your married life is expected. You will do your best to make your partner happier and won’t forget about yourself, too! Single Scorpios will keep searching for physical and emotional harmony in their partners. They will meet a special one somewhere close to their location. Do believe in love at first sight! Uranus will spend the whole year in your relationship sector. Even with the Sun leaving it and returning in April only, there won’t be a moment when there’s not some focus on your relationships. Get ready for April and make March as bright as possible for you and your dear one!


For Sags, love life in March will be influenced by their occupation with other activities. Spare no time on your dear ones, especially your spouse or a life partner. In March, it’s advisable to give a bit less time to your parents and relatives and more time to your husband or wife. During the month, Mercury will be more favorable for single Sags than ever before. Be more attentive after march 20th as you’ll get many romantic opportunities during the period. Your love life is going to be more passionate than before. The chances of meeting a special one at work are higher than before.


Thanks to the positive influence of Mars and Venus, the married life of Capricorn natives will be filled with passion and romance. You’ll spend a lot of time with your dear spouse and this time is going to be very pleasant. Plan a pleasure trip together with your loved one to make the feelings even deeper. The second half of March will provide lots of new opportunities for single Capricorns, too. The existing partnerships will be very cheerful and full of bright feelings and fresh emotions. Some business opportunities will turn into romantic ones bringing you the love vibes you’ve been longing for.

What do the Tarot cards say about your romantic future? See their meanings here.


In March, Mars and Venus will influence your and other signs in the love sphere. Mars will make the relationship between you and your spouse more passionate; Venus, in its turn, will add harmony to your relationship. Mercury will bring something to the table as well, making your love connection more stable and helping you achieve the long-desired understanding. Venus is going to come to the rescue of single Aquarians, too. You may fall in love with a person you used to like; besides, love can be suddenly found in your family environment. Some of your relatives’ friends or acquaintances may be the one you’ve been looking for.


The combined influence of Venus and Mars will change your love life in March, dear Pisces. Your family life will be quite balanced and harmonious, and the general atmosphere in the romantic sphere of your life is going to be rather cheerful. You will finally manage to find the right connection with your husband or wife. Single Pisceans will get many romantic opportunities in March: you can either fall in love and have your current relationship confirmed. It’s also possible for Pisces natives to find love during some social gatherings. If you want your romantic relationship to be strong and long-term, make sure you are not afraid of your feeling and express them freely.