New Year’s Resolutions for Your Sign

By Nataly Porter Dec 23, 2021
New Year’s Eve is always filled with numerous expectations and dreams and it gives us a chance to start over. You can start your life anew any day of the year but New Year’s Day has something special in it that makes our wishes closer and more real. There are many horoscope predictions about what the coming year has prepared for you. What is your perfect New Year’s resolution? Find it out now!


No matter what your New Year’s resolution will be you’re sure to forget about it in four or six months. You like tough challenges and frequently waste all your energy too early without giving yourself a chance to finish what you’ve planned. Our advice for you is to slow down! Arm yourself with patience and concentrate on the challenges you face and not on the finish line. 



It happens to you all the time that you need some motivation to start a new endeavor. You can’t begin on something new until you feel like doing it and you want the whole universe to support you in it. Stop it now! Don’t wait until you feel like starting something, just do it! Let the coming year become the time of your resolution and confidence.



Dear Gemini, you know it perfectly well that the internet is a kind of a mental disease and if you try to cure it you’re at the risk of catching it. Remember that shaming or name-calling the people you don’t like is a pure waste of time, so stop doing it right now! Your ruling planet is the planet of communication and technology and your motives are clear. We suggest you should express your thoughts in a more private way, like publishing them in your journal.



Cancerians are sensitive people with their sign ruled by the Moon. When there is something wrong in their lives they drop to their knees screaming “Why?” probably thinking that mother Universe will come to their rescue. We suggest you should stop looking for comfort outside yourself and look inside your own personality. Keep it in mind that you needn’t depend on someone else to feel safe and secure!



Think of what you’ve been dreaming about but were scared of – and do it in 2022! It could be your pride or the fear of consequence that prevented you from doing what you really wanted to – no matter. Do you want to move back home? Are you tired of your present relationship? Don’t be afraid of following your wishes even if it seems strange and stupid. 



Virgo natives are frequently too criticizing and are busy refining themselves. One day such behavior may lead to negative consequences and will make many people turn their back on you. But this is only one side of the coin – being so critical of yourself you will destroy your sanity much faster! Let go of this negative habit and you’ll soon see that your interpersonal relationships go more smoothly.



In 2021 Jupiter, the planet of luck was in your sign. You’ve learned more about what you’re capable of and now in 2022, you have a chance to rest on your laurels. It’s essential for you to find out what is good and what is bad for you. So if it happens that you’re in a position that you don’t like don’t worry about the people whose feelings may be hurt. Speak up and say no any time you feel like it. 



When we say not to be afraid of saying “yes” we don’t mean you’re to do things you don’t want. The exact message sounds like this: use all the energy you waste on worrying about your future and the people around you for your purposes. Accept people and things as they are and you’ll soon feel much better! Your ruling planets are Mars and Pluto and you’ll experience their strong pull soon. They will help you achieve your aims will give you the wisdom you have been striving for.



Sagittarius natives are the people who speak too much, do too much and express too many ideas and feelings. It’s possible for you to establish yourself independently, but allow others to help you whenever it’s necessary! Don’t forget that it will give you an opportunity to learn from others and fulfil your tasks more efficiently!



Capricorn people are at times so concerned about their finances that they fail to see what other life benefits they can get. Don’t forget that money is not everything and abundance can be achieved in many other ways. Your knowledge, your experience, your family and friends and your talents are the factors that make your life a full cup. Our advice to you is to understand it as soon as possible and see how rich you are regardless of the money you possess!



Aquarians are sometimes overly cautious people and can even become a bit paranoid. This is probably caused by Uranus, your ruling planet and the planet of instability and change. Welcome your fear and don’t hide from it because it will help you perceive reality as it is. When you understand what you’re afraid of and what exactly makes you so scared you can take certain actions that will help you fight your fear.



Pisces people are highly spiritual and can even change their reality using their brain power. You understand it well that what we believe in can form our outer world. Use this power to attract the things you really want but don’t invalidate the things that don’t suit you personally. Thus, if you see something you dislike simply try to stay as neutral as possible. Such an attitude will help you stay positive throughout the whole year!