Shocking Celebrity Breakups: Is Their Horoscope to Blame?

By Nataly Porter May 23, 2022
Can the incompatibility of zodiac signs lead to divorce, and is there a chance to save the marriage?

Why do celebrities divorce?

We watch some married couples on tv and envy their happiness. Of course, we don't know a lot about their personal lives, but what we see makes us think it is the only right way to live with a partner. We don't know anything about the internal problems of famous couples, and we are simply shocked when they get divorced. It is astonishing when celebrities who have lived together for more than 30 years break up. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid, Madonna and Guy Ritchie, and other famous happy married couples have got divorced. What is the reason? Maybe it is hidden in astrology, and they are incompatible with each other? Find the truth below!

Brad Pitt (Sagittarius) and Jennifer Aniston (Aquarius)

These two were happily married for 5 years, and nobody believed in their divorce. Jennifer is born under the Aquarius sign, while Brad belongs to Sagittarius. The union of Sagittarius and Aquarius is ardent and compatible from all sides. They are curious and adventurous, energetic and friendly, love freedom and each other, different but similar. As you see, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston are absolutely compatible. Sometimes even astrology can do nothing if the human factor is more vital. There are several reasons for the breakup when people suit each other perfectly. They can be too ambitious and goal-oriented, the third person enters their relationship (that's the case for Brad and Jennifer), or they just got married when they were too young. When they received some life experience, they realized it had been a mistake.

Brad Pitt (Sagittarius) and Angelina Jolie (Gemini)

It used to be the most beautiful married couple in Hollywood. Jolie and Brad were married for 12 twelve years and had 6 children. Sounds impressive, isn't it? The couple has 3 biological children and 3 adopted ones. What could break their happiness? Let's study their zodiacs to learn.

As you already know, Brad is Sagittarius and Jolie belongs to the Gemini sign. Astrology says these signs are the brightest and perfectly compatible. They look in one direction and have common goals. Sagittarius is prone to cheating in relationships, but it becomes the most caring and faithful sign when it meets Gemini. So the Universe made everything to make these two happy, but they failed to save their marriage.

Dennis Quaid (Aries) and Meg Ryan (Scorpio)

These two celebrities lived together for about 10 years and shocked their followers with the news about their divorce. Meg tried to accompany Dennis to nearly every town, despite being a famous actress herself. Denis was born on the 9th of April under the sign of Aries. Meg belongs to the Scorpio sign. Dennis and Meg have very low compatibility. They can be good friends and even have a sexual attraction, but as soon as they step over this line, the problems start. So it is astounding that Aries and Scorpio were together for the whole 10 years! Everything great comes to an end one day, and all we need is to enjoy what we have now. Mind that after the darkest night, there is always a dawn. It is the basic rule of the Universe that helps us appreciate what we have and move forward.

Arnold Schwarzenegger (Leo) and Maria Shriver (Scorpio)

These two were happily married for 25 years! They have 4 children, and nothing portended their divorce. Does the reason for their breakup lie in their incompatibility? Arnold and Maria belong to powerful signs. Arnold was born under Leo, while Maria is Scorpio. These two have 100 percent compatibility based on a desire to rule and achieve their goals. They had to work hard to break such a strong union! The only reason for their breakup was that they couldn't stand the power and energy of each other anymore. Anyway, these two fulfilled their goals in marriage and started new lives. It was the best decision as now they have an opportunity to find their significant others.

Tom Cruise (Cancer) and Nicole Kidman (Gemini)

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman were married for about 11 years. Nicole was relatively young when she became a wife. They were a lovely couple, and there was no sign of trouble. The reason for their divorce isn't a nice one. They broke up because they couldn't stand the talent of each other. Both Tom and Nicole are famous and want to be the best in the cinema industry. A breakup could be the only way to fully reveal their potential as actors. What was the stars' forecast for this couple? As Tom belongs to the Cancer sign and Nicole to Gemini, they had all the chances to save their marriage. They have 67 percent compatibility.

Moreover, you should work hard to ruin the relationship with a caring and loving Cancer. Let the past go and stop looking for someone to blame. Tom and Nicole had all chances to be together for the rest of their lives, but the desire to be famous prevailed over their feelings.

Johnny Depp (Gemini) and Amber Heard (Taurus)

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard shocked their fans with the news about their divorce. They were married for less than 2 years but seemed to be the happiest couple in the world. Nobody expected their breakup. Vice versa, the reps of the young generation were dreaming about such a love story. Was their divorce predictable according to their compatibility? Johny belongs to the Gemini sign while Amber to Taurus. Taurus reps usually don't like to concede whatever the matter is. Taurus and Gemini have the best compatibility rate. Their divorce is quite surprising for astrologists, too. Although Gemini likes to share their point of view anytime, anywhere, goal-oriented Taurus likes to prove that they are right. Moreover, this compatibility of Taurus and Gemini is based on both signs being sincere and open. So what could happen if a great couple like Johnny Depp and Amber Heard broke up?

Guy Ritchie and Madonna

Guy Ritchie and Madonna lived together for 8 years and had 2 children. Madonna was born under powerful Leo. Guy Ritchie belongs to Virgo. They were a great couple as their astrological compatibility is 73 percent! It's not surprising that their breakup was a shock for everybody! Anyway, Guy Ritchie had difficulties understanding Madonna's immodesty and passion for being famous. Born under a modest Virgo sign, Guy couldn't stand Madonna's power. 

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez

We saved this amazing couple for last. These two have a very romantic love story! Ben and Jennifer were dating twenty years ago, and Ben even proposed to Jennifer. In the beginning, these two postponed their marriage several times, and finally, they canceled it. Twenty years later, the Universe made them meet again, and in the spring of 2021, they surprised their fans and the whole world with their reunion! Jennifer is delighted and shares her emotions in every interview.

Moreover, Ben has made a proposal to Jennifer for the second time. The whole world is waiting for their marriage now and hopes this time they will do it! Let's check what the stars say about their couple. Jennifer and Ben are born under one zodiac sign - Leo. They are lucky to have 100 percent compatibility in love and 70 percent compatibility in marriage. So, maybe they shouldn't risk changing their social status if they want to save their love? 

So, sometimes the Universe presents us with an excellent reward – love. The stars do everything to help, but unfortunately, the human factor plays a significant role in saving relationships. Sometimes people choose fame and money over sincere feelings. Have you compared your couple with the described above? What do you think about their compatibility?