What Type of People You Attract, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

By Nataly Porter May 27, 2024
When people fall in love, sometimes it’s hard to explain what attracts them in each other. They meet and feel there’s something between them, that they need to stay together and make each other happier. Astrology says that there is more chemistry between some signs as well as between some types of people. Who is naturally attracted to you? Read about your zodiac sign below!


People who are attracted to Aries are as adventure-craving as Aries reps are. They look at Aries as a brave leader who will take them out of their shell and make them feel braver, too. Couch potatoes will hardly ever choose an Aries person for their partner; this will most probably be someone who doesn’t want to or is just tired of a peaceful life and wants more fun in their life. Among signs, this can be Cancer, Libra, or Sagittarius. Cancerians will feel protected with you, Libra guys will balance you, and fiery Sags are just as good as having fun as you are. Beware of the clingy ones, though. 



Dear Taurus, you attract people who appreciate faithfulness. They are well aware of the fact that when you fall in love with someone, you remain loyal to this person. Taureans hate drama, too, and are, in most cases, smart people. Those who fall in love with them like to feel protected and supported and appreciate it when their Taurus partners stand for them. Among all zodiac signs, Leo, Libra, and Capricorn are those most attracted to Taureans. Try to stay away from manipulators as they’re often attracted to your zodiac sign, too.



People attracted to Gemini natives want more passion and excitement in their lives. As Gemini guys are always excited about something, they become perfect partners for such people. Dear Gemini, your admirers crave something new, be it a new passion, a new dream, or a new project. Signs that often choose Gemini for their partners are Leo, Virgo, and Sagittarius. Leo reps love to socialize, that’s why they find it pleasant to spend time with Gemini. Virgo, just like Gemini, is ruled by Mercury and love to communicate, too. Sags love adventures just like Gemini people do, that’s why exploring new places together is a great activity for them. Beware of people in cliques, though, as they may want to reclaim your position. 



People attracted to Cancerians lack love in their lives and know that they can find a lot of it in Cancer. Cancer natives are those it’s easy and pleasant to build the future. Besides, Cancer reps attract wealthy people who realize that their Cancer partners love them for who they are and not for what they have. Speaking about signs, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces are naturally attracted to Cancer guys. Scorpios value trust and security in their relationship and easily find it in Cancer. Caps see in Cancers what they lack themselves while Pisces and Cancer share an emotional and intuitive life approach. Beware of snobs, dear Cancer, as they are frequently attracted to you as well.



People attracted to Leos need a bright star in their life. They would love to spend their time with someone smart, creative, and inspiring. When you date a Leo, you date a leader, and it’s always so respected and sought after. Signs that would like it most are Libra, Scorpio, and Pisces. Libra and Leo want to keep each other happy with sweet words and actions; Scorpios appreciate it that Leos give them all their time and attention; Pisces like to see their partner shine in the spotlight. Dear Leo, guard against arrogant assholes as they’re attracted to you so frequently and so powerfully.



Dear Virgo, the people attracted to you, look for a safe place. Virgo natives are always more mature than the reps of other signs, which makes them especially attractive to people in their 20s. Thins that seem too complicated for others are much easier for Virgo reps. There is some bad news about this because some people would abuse their Virgo partners and then leave them, so beware. As for the zodiac signs most attracted to Virgos, these are Taurus, Capricorn, and Pisces. Taureans appreciate the material world just like Virgos do; Caps enjoy the sense of safety and structure Virgos produce, and Pisces love to be brought down to earth from their dreams. Dear Virgo, stay away from attention seekers as you’ll waste your love and your emotions on them.



Those who want to see Libras their partners look for someone equal. Libras are good at everything they try, especially if emotional intelligence is included. That’s why they attract people who want the best for themselves, which is very good for them, too. The signs that are most often attracted to Libra natives are Taurus, Cancer, and Aquarius. Cancer loves to nurture, while Libra loves to be nurtured. Taurus is ruled by Venus, just like Libra is, and these two will always enjoy each other’s company; Aquarius is attracted to the delicate taste of Libra reps and would love to discuss their latest obsessions with them. Dear Libra, beware of victims as you like to help others so much that you can miss parasites among your closest acquaintances. 



Scorpios are sensual and smart, and this is what makes other people want them so much. Such guys need raw passion, something Scorpio is known for. Scorpios are intense and goal-oriented, and their potential partners know that life will never be boring with them. Among zodiac signs, Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces are the ones most attracted to Scorpio. Cancers love it that Scorpio can fight the dark life energies; Taurus lies on the opposite end of the astro chart and is naturally attracted to Scorpio with its fearless approach; Pisces appreciate it, too, alongside with their mystery. Dear Scorpio, stay away from narcissists who are attracted by your strength and your fame. 



People attracted to Sags need someone able to make them laugh. Sagittarius people are not only the top comedians of the zodiac; they’re great friends and partners, too. Those who want a romantic partner will sooner or later realize that a Sag is someone who suits all their needs. Speaking of signs, Gemini, Aquarius, and Pisces would most probably be attracted to Sagittarius. Gemini natives are get-up-and-goes like Sag reps, and it would be easy for them to find a common language. Aquarians are the ones who don’t want to be tied down, that’s why they will feel at ease with their Sagittarius partners. As for Pisces, they will appreciate the ability of Sagittarius to speak about the philosophical part of existence and love of freedom. Dear Sag, beware of judgmental people who look for flaws in you. 



People attracted to Caps are pragmatic ones who need a refined partner. Capricorn natives are people of good taste who would hardly ever embarrass themselves or their significant others. Capricorn usually attracts people with traditional views who want to have the best. Signs that tend to be attracted to Capricorn are Taurus, Cancer, and Virgo. Belonging to the Earth element, Taurus and Capricorn are naturally attracted to each other. As for Cancer, the most stable sign of the zodiac, it’s attracted to Capricorn because of the desire of both to build a solid foundation for their future life. Virgo and Capricorn are both predictable and organized, which certainly helps them create a good couple. Dear Cap, avoid attention seekers who will look for a chance to be in the spotlight and not for your love.



People attracted to Aquarius are usually attracted by their generosity and wish to be good to others. These people want their life to be meaningful and feel they can find the meaning of life in their union with an Aquarius representative. As for the zodiac signs that can’t resist Aquarius, these are Gemini, Leo, and Scorpio. Just like Aquarius, Gemini is interested in social activities. Leos are attracted to Aquarians because they try to balance themselves in this union; Scorpios are drawn to the eccentric side of Aquarius natives because a mystery is something that attracts Scorpio guys. Dear Aquarius, be careful about bullies that can be attracted by your innocence and sensitivity.



Dear Pisces, the signs attracted to you are mostly drawn by your creativity. They know that you live your artistic life full of good quality food, art, music, and inspiring people. You can help these people express themselves with the help of art, too, that’s why they feel that they need you. Among signs, those most attracted to you are Leo, Virgo, and Pisces. Beauty-loving Leo is inspired by your creativity. Virgo is your opposite, which means you will balance each other; a Scorpio and Pisces couple is just pure magic. Dear Pisces, don’t let drama setters into your life, and don’t give them any of your approval.